Communication, Creativity, Effective Feedback, Energizers, Facilitation, Feedback, Group Development, Group Dynamics, Reflection, Tasks, Team Building
In my last post I shared about how to introduce ourselves in a more creative way in the beginning of a group work. It is a great tool to remember and keep in mind. Today I will share about a great brainstorming/creative task/exercise/energizer (call it anything you...
Communication, Creativity, Effective Feedback, Facilitation, Feedback, Group Dynamics, Reflection, Team Building
This is the last in the sub series Feedback of Basics of facilitation. We have already discussed Effective Feedback, the Aim of giving Feedback, some important tips in giving Feedback, types of Feedback, barriers in Feedback, Feedback skills and I-message in Feedback....
Communication, Content and Process, Creativity, Effective Feedback, Experiential Learning, Facilitation, Feedback, Group Dynamics, Human Relations, Reflection, Team Building
Welcome back my dear readers to the Basics of Facilitation and this is the part 3 of the Feedback series. I have already shared some important topics like basic points on Effective Feedback, the Aim of giving Feedback, some important tips in giving Feedback and types...
Communication, Creativity, Effective Feedback, Facilitation, Feedback, Group Dynamics, Human Relations, Reflection, Team Building
This is the part 2 of the Feedback blog which itself is a part of the series that I am writing on Process Facilitation Basics. My name is Imran and I am a former student of Hyper Island Karlskrona Sweden where I studies Learning Design and Facilitation. In the first...
Communication, Creativity, Effective Feedback, Facilitation, Feedback, Group Dynamics, Human Relations, Reflection, Team Building
I know you are very anxious to read about Feedback. But First tell me that you have read about Reflection in my previous post. If yes, you can read further and if not, go back and read about Reflection. And If you are a new reader I suggest go back to my first post...