Imran Chohan

Imran Chohan

EduSci- Professional Teacher training

Preliminary Task 

Your task is to find two electronic images that you can share during the session during break-out groups. The images should be of: 1. an image that shows ‘good’ teaching; and 2. an image that shows ‘bad’ teaching FROM YOUR PERSPECTIVE.

The different teaching methods are not in my opinion considered to be “good” or “bad”. I look at them as either traditional or interactive. Let me explain traditional. In the traditional teaching environment a teacher is giving information to the students and students are writing down that information and later in the exam answer as it is told to them. Teacher has an authority and teacher’s words are final. I will still not call it a bad way of teaching. I have learned in this way and I turned out to be OK. The second way which in my opinion is much more effective now-a-days. The interactive way of teaching is that a teacher facilitates learning through interaction and communication. The teacher also gives more autonomy to the students. Students are responsible for their actions and learning. The teacher is their to lend hand in case someone needs it. Now this will work in most of the cases but in many cases like teaching quantum mechanics or computing might require a more traditional way of teaching as well. Therefore, all the ways of teaching are either interactive or less interactive. I would always prefer interactive ways to be used in teaching personally as I am not going to teach quantum mechanics or computing.

Now, here is something that might get your attention. I believe just teaching in general either interactive or lecturing will not benefit the students alone. Now-a-days we learn through experiences, collaboration, communication, and building upon ideas from each other. Teaching is not fully done until unless a teacher sets aside a time to discuss learning at the end of the class sessions each time or more than once in a course timetable. If there is no sharing, reflection, and feedback then there is no learning. This way of teaching in my opinion will determine if the teaching is considered helpful or not. The obvious job a teacher has is to promote learning. Thus, interactive or not learning will only occur when there is time allocated for discussions, sharing and building upon shared ideas. In simple words Reflection both individual and in groups is the key to a successful teaching.

You can see two images above. One of them shows at the first glance an example of a traditional teaching environment. The second shows some sort of interaction and communication is happening. These two images does not show the intentions of a teacher from this example. Thus, both of these teaching methods can either be useful or not and as I have said earlier in my opinion the way which will benefit the students is to have a reflection session at the end of each class. Spare some time for open discussions and sharing. 

Q: Describe the relationship between teacher and student and the physical learning environment.

The above images shows that it is a open learning space with seating style differences. One is a room and one is a lecture hall. The more traditional way of teaching is happening in a room style environment. Whereas, even though it is a lecture hall yet there is some sort of interaction that is taking place. So, we can assume that the physical space does not matter for the interaction and sharing to take place. So, I do not think about physical spaces be an issue or hindrance for the learning to take place.  

Q: What would you do differently in this teaching scenario if you were teaching?

I am facilitating by the way in the interactive example image. As a facilitator even though I prefer simple room style physical space but I do make use of any space given to me. As space is not an issue for me. My only concern is while facilitating is to provide students ample time to communicate, reflect, share learning and build upon ideas from each other to get experiential learning. I will always spare time at the end of class session for  discussions. 

Q: What concept(s) of learning do you think the teacher in these images would have to justify teaching in this way?

As for me both traditional and interactive ways of teaching still matter, therefore, I would like for the teacher/facilitators to always remember experiential and competence based learning approaches or concepts as well as concepts of motivation and values should always be present in the mind of  teacher/facilitator (Jordan et al. 2008). 





Jordan, A., Carlile, O. & Stack, A. (2008). Approaches to Learning: A Guide for Teachers.




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