Imran Chohan

Imran Chohan

EduSci- Professional Teacher training

Part 3. Create a lesson plan 

Participants will design a lesson plan together for a class context. Pairs should co-create a lesson plan based on a topic of their choice. However, the lesson should involve an activity (not just a lecture).  

Name of person(s) creating lesson plan:  

  • Imran & Aminur 

Pedagogical theory / learning theory (i.e. pedagogical strategy, pedagogical methods) grounding the lesson  

  • Student-centered learning 
  • Workshop based class 

Learning objectives (from a curriculum document if possible):  

  • Students will be able to understand causes of global warming 
  • Students will be able to understand consequences of global warming.  

Forms of assessment 

  • Class participation 
  • Creating an evaluation criterion 
  • Written Individual and shared reflections 
  • Observation of class activities 

Lesson structure  

Starting: Before starting the lecture, I will greet my students and circulate the student’s attendance sheet. 

Meanwhile, I will briefly explain the contents of today’s lecture. Then I will go in detail through a PowerPoint presentation. 

(graving student’s attention and familiarizing them with the topic): Today, we are going to cover an issue that affects “ALL OF US.” Global warming is real, and it is happening before our own eyes. It has far reaching consequences, an unless we act now it might be too late to salvage our planet. 


Scientists have warned that global warming is a major concern on the survival of planet Earth, and it is the leading cause of climate change. Increase warming of the planet is already causing displacements creating what has come to termed as “climate refugees”. Low lying areas as well as populations in the tropical islands, so farhave been hit hardVulnerable countries such as for instance, Bangladesh and the Maldives face the risk of completely being wiped out, while increased flooding in sub-Sahara Africa threatens the existence of an already impoverished people. The increased occurrence of tropical cyclones and the fast depreciating glaciers also points to increased warming of the planet. It is indeed regrettable that human activities have been cited as the leading cause of global warming. Unlike few years ago when the debate was whether climate change is real or not, scientists have now unanimously agreed that time is ticking to save the planet. Some scientists have even warned that too much damage has already been done, and that we are facing the eventuality- that the consequences of global warming are irreversible. 

Mitigating the effects of global warming requires a concerted effort on a global scaleReducing green-house gas emissions, reducing deforestation, fighting misinformation and changing our habits are just some of the ways we can curb global warming. 


There are many factors behind global warming; however, today we shall discuss four main reasons for global warming. They are:  



Carbon dioxide: Caused by the burning mainly of fossil fuels in electricity generation, transport, heating, industry, and construction. Human activities release around 37 billion metric tons of carbon dioxide per year. 

Methane: From livestock, rice farming, and waste tips. 

Nitrogen oxide: Caused by excess use of fertilizers and industrial activity. 

HCFCs: Gas of anthropogenic origin (a result of human activities) replacing CFCs. Harmless to the ozone layer, but increases the greenhouse effect. 


Forests are natural carbon sinks, absorbing CO2 through photosynthesis and returning oxygen to the atmosphere. Besides, jungle leaves become less nutritious for the animals that feed on them as they accumulate more fiber and less protein. 


The oceans are also carbon sinks, absorbing up to 50 % of CO2 the problem is that, when they reach their limit, the ocean acidifies and causes death and disease among marine flora and fauna  


An increasingly numerous populations needs more and more resources, which speeds up the increase in greenhouse gas emissions from all production processes. 


The consequences are enormous, but due to the time limitation, I will concentrate on only four major areas  

  1. Diversity loss:One of the most apparent effects of global warming is extreme weather. The weather patterns are rapidly changing in all parts of the world. The increased rainfall in certain regions affects the balance that animals and plants need to survive. More than 1 million species have become extinct due to the effects of global warming.
  2. Human health:Climate changes cause health problems, animal migration, and the lack of food resources. Extreme heat and droughts in diverse regions of our planet have become disastrous to human health. Global warming threatens our future health conditions. Humanity will experience an increase in tick-borne and mosquito-borne diseases. What is more, people have become more vulnerable to extreme weather and climate changes that lead to serious mental health issues.
  3. Instability in society:The effects of climate change due to global warming can be devastating to human society. People can face severe crop failures and livestock shortages that will cause civic unrest, food riots, famines, and political instability in the whole world.
  4. Geographical change:The sea-level rise accelerates 0.12 inches per year in overage worldwide. Severe natural disasters caused by global warming have left millions of people impoverished and homeless. This trend will continue if gas emissions remain unchecked.

Question & discussion: After finishing the lecture, I will encourage my students to ask questions or if they are not clear on any part of the lecture. 

Besides, I will give my students ten minutes to discuss this topic with pairs. Then I will raise some basic questions to understand the outcomes of the lecture. If needed, I will make a recap of today’s lecture. 

Ending: I will give them the idea of the next day’s lecture so that they know what is coming next.  

Next topic: “Solutions to global warming.” 

Lesson structure/lesson plan 

Lesson title / subject:      Total time: 4 hrs 
Content  Teaching and learning methods   Other pedagogical considerations  Total Time:
Welcome and an introduction  Introduction of teacher and students. Students will introduce three skills that they can use to help others.  Everyone participates  20 min 
Attendance    While they introduce, we will write down their names   
Overview of the topic  Activity   Before we show slides, students will write down their own ideas individually and share in pairs.  30min 
Break      10 min 
Discussion on activity   Discussion  Students share their ideas on the topic and teacher make a chart 

30 min 



Main Topic   Slides shown by teachers  Now that students have discussed their own causes and consequences of global warming, we are going to show in the slides what we think about this topic.   20 min 
Break      20 min 
Reflection  Slides  We will introduce what reflection is and how to do it individually and in groups.   10 min 
Reflection by students  Individual  Students will follow the framework provided by the teachers and will write down their reflection  10 min 
Sharing of Reflection  In Pairs  Students will share their reflection in pairs and learn from each other by listening. They can also discuss their learning.  20min 
Break      5 min 
Whole class Reflection  Whole class  Students will sit in a circle and discuss their reflections.   40 min 
Feedback  Individual  Students will write down feedback for the day’s lesson and activities. After that they will also write down one word that they learned in the class and write it on the board. No one can repeat the words  20 min 
Conclusion    Teachers will conclude the lesson and introduce next time’s topic  5 min 


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