Alright this will be the last exercise before I move towards projects. I will share and do some projects with you. The purpose of this is to tell you the process during a project. And how you as a Facilitator handle projects. What are the things you need to know and tell your clients? All the cool innovative, collaborative, team building material that I have shared with you guys until now will help you understand the process of Project. But all that is in the next post. Right now we will Discuss and do the most innovative and used exercise for the purpose of collaboration, team building, feedback, reflection and group dynamics in general. So lets start!!!
The Marshmallow Challenge
We will start with the challenge as usual and than in the end of the task we will see who wins the challenge and also we will share our Reflection and Feedback with the groups.
The challenge is:
In eighteen minutes, teams must build the tallest free-standing structure out of 20 sticks of spaghetti, one yard of tape, one yard of string, and one marshmallow. The marshmallow needs to be on top.
When the time is up stop everyone and than see who has the tallest tower. My group obviously won this challenge so I can tell you that Marshmallow will stay on the top if you make a right structure.
marsh mellow Contest
Facilitators gather everyone in a circle and discuss on these questions below:
- Who tends to do the worst?Why?
- Who tends to do the best? Why?
- What improves performance? What kills it?
This is it folks. Enjoy this exercise and do it in your groups to see the amazing results and feedback that you get out of it. Also there are websites dedicated to this challenge along with videos and Ted talks. Go serf the web and find out more if you are interested. I will see you in the next post.